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Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from c00kie :Oran park,
It was scanned for bobstrackbuilder and can to export to many other sims, except LFS because can't load tracks... but who know in the future

I want SPA very nice for all cars specially high powered
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Mysterius car... can be this?
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
The last thing that I don't remember yesterday, it is easy to fix

The replays are too much zoomed it will best if camera auto adjust by horizontal size of screen or window than the vertical like now
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
The effect is very good, but I can't to use the controls on View menu, so I have a 90º FOV in 3 displays, and I need to put view more down to see the speedo.

It is possible to adjust anywhere?
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :What the man said. The Solstice isn't running on street/sports tires like many people seem to think. That doesn't mean that it would be impossible to drift though, I recorded this short clip to prove that almost a year ago.

Also I have one video drifting in iRacing 1 year ago...

And I continue saying that in RL it is not so hard (impossible?) to do a lap in a skid pad
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :By the way, I have fixed one thing - the autocross editor buttons appearing in the wrong place with any interface scaling or 3 screen mode.

That was 1 thing that I would say, thanks for fixing

The improvement is to make the feature that already has rFactor and iRacing is the "multiview", so every monitor render a diferent angle of view

Other option is what in phothosp is called lens correction. (perfect for curved screens)

Without lens correction (normal mode) ... id=53908&d=1208088375

And with lens correction (reduces a lot the sides distortion, see the yellow XFR on the left) ... id=53909&d=1208088375

And the last thing that (i think) have iRacing, is not use the "Bezel management" from TH2GO drivers, this utility what does is cut the size of the borders of monitors to see the image in a good/correct proportion.

Without ... ucts/gxm/withoutBezel.jpg

With bezel correction ... roducts/gxm/withBezel.jpg

So, the problem is the black borders on the side monitors because ever has the same resolution (3840x1024), to solve this problem need to render at higher resolution, for example 4040x1024, and use this 200 pixels to cut after in the place where are the monitor borders... I don't know if I explain so good.

Are secundary improvements, but I think will improve the LFS experience with TH2GO

PS: Sorry for offtopic

atledreier has you contacted with the Matrox guys? I remember that only compatible with these resolutions is the TH2GO Digital edition (analog don't work), and need to upgrade the firmware. But if it works in other games, it is not the case
Last edited by Napalm Candy, .
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Possible fail with the refresh of monitors? so no all monitor accepts 57hz. At same time I don't know if LFS give you option to 57Hz, so the TH2GO don't accept 5040x1050@60, only 5040x1050@57

I use 3840x1024@60Hz 32bits maxium detail (AA,AF) on a 8800GT 512mb and never crash

PD: Scawen I can tell you some suggeriments/improvements/errors for TH2GO users?
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Where are the instructions to the DIY? I want to see if I can do it or not.

I don't see here
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
To me the feeling in iRacing it is not so good. If you try the pontiac solstice (low powered RWD) and go to the centripetal track, try to do drift arround, is IMPOSIBLE to do 1 lap with out a spin or go out. In RL is more easly, so what i feel in iRacing is too low grip when slide/drift, and uncontrolable, that's not realistic

But I'm agree with you in the side load of LFS tyres, is flexing too much
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Why no Patch Z?
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
In a touge will be nice, in a closed track I prefer the typical race.
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from pasibrzuch :1. Have some ideas.
2. Share it with others in a non ideal way.
3. Get flamed and called stupid between the lines.
4. ???

And seriously ???!

Is this a fu**n competition to make the most funny-offensive response to him?

+1. This forum have too much intolerant people

This subforum IS the subforum to share ideas, or a idea suggested before is a bad idea?
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :My rear speakers takes sound from LFS, and it's very strange, because I hear the wind and the engine but not the other things.

What makes this system is mix the Left and Rigth but one in negative signal, with this mix obtain the center of sound (no left and no right sound), and it is what reproduce the rear speakers. Normally is the reverb sound, voices and noise (wind)
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
And add to Woz, I'm sure that the real MRT5 it easier to drive than the LFS one. I never drove a MRT5, I have a kart, it is not the same ok, but a shifter kart slides a lot of more than MRT5 with slicks and is A LOT OF MORE intuitive and easy to control and push to limit (your limit, not the kart limit )

Too me, and is my personal opinion, the MRT5 is the worst car in LFS. So a little (realistic!) help will be welcome
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
If your question is, if you can to upload the hotlaps made in Z15 after the new patch be released, 99% i'm sure NO. Because will change physics
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I think you can make it with scripts
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from LSDBlackWolf :Would be sweet no?

You can wait some years more?
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from george_tsiros :how about an extra button for the mrt only, where the driver reaches down and pushes the car a bit backwards?

realistic, practical, reasonable

Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
The problem in this wheel is the friction, so with no FF it has a lot of resistance to turn. With no AC power is more softly, I want to quit this friction but I don't know if is possible...

In settings I have to put all very high to feel well becouse of this friction.

My settings Dampening strength 100% (I feel at 0% have slower movements than 100%), so I think the numbers are wrong 0% is 100%, and 100% is 0% in my opinion.

Drift mode, I put in 5 becouse it has less friction but I will preferred tu put a value 10 if exist..

In LFS 100 I too much in some moments but very little in others. Arround 20-50 is good in a lot of moments and little in others, but it is what I feel better

Question....At anyone descentrate wheel with high FF and hard movements during playing? (drifting or crash)

Another question....Anyone know how to use the display in LFS? I want to see gear and shiftligth indicator, but i don't know how..
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
nice layout I made 5.21 with RB4
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
what car are you driving?
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :I supose he means the dust/smoke and moving objects throught the transparent skins

But that is other bug, what i said it is nothing to do with car glasses, so in Patch Z is the bug but is very strange to see, but in Patch Z15 I see a lot, so thats why I see that I think have relation with LX plate... added 3D objects don't aling perfectly
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from Zipppy :I'm sure it's because of the current DirectX version, I would say it's more related to the window bug than the LX Licence plate bug. The LX plate bug is just a 3D model placement issue.

What is the window bug?
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Not possible, it say "Value must be between 0.5 and 1.0"
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Hello I do not know if it has been said before but I have discovered an error, and
I think it is related to the problem of the LX plate

When am I going to do a layout in an autocross and select the line of chalk I see is not represented well in the ground.

Another problem (but it is not only in Z15 patch, is in Z too) is when switch to 3 display resolution, or too panoramic, the point of the object it is not in their site.


Normal resolution

Wide resolution

I think the problem is becouse it compress by 3 all 2D images